Cape Buffalo Art

Cape Buffalo Art and Prints

Cape Buffalo art

Cape Buffalo Art

Checkout our Art Store for Cape Buffalo art prints

Cape Buffalo art describes the mystic of this magnificent animal.  Prints are in great demand among art collectors all over the world. The Cape Buffalo illustrates how unpredictable and dangerous it can be when you run into it in the wild.

If you would like to order a custom wildlife artwork have a look at all the other commissioned paintings created by the artist.

Strange facts about the buffalo:
1. The Cape Buffalo kills more hunters in Africa than any other animal.
2. The hide on it’s neck is 2″ thick to protect itself in battles with other bulls.
3. The cape Buffalo has a smooth tongue.
4. It has 4 time the strength of an ox and can tip a motor vehicle with ease.
5. Strange enough, the buffalo has a very good memory.

Visit our Art Store and get your print today!